Writers Gotta Write — Blue Ink Alchemy
Blue Ink Alchemy
There have been doorstopper fantasies and sci-fi epics that have kept me enraptured for every page. Short fiction has a bigger task, as it needs to grab me, pull me in and keep me in the nuances of its story not with every page, but with every single word. Not every writer can do it. Chuck Wendig does. Irregular Creatures captures the madness, the brilliance and the desperation of ten years in a writer's life. It has pieces long and short, narratives that tug the heartstrings and images that chill the blood. It's a literary roller-coaster, the long hill of the opener coupled with quick drops and sudden, neck-snapping turns that surprise and confound. Any reader with the savvy and intestinal fortitude to pick this up will not be disappointed, and may ruminate upon the stories within for days to come or longer. Okay, hyperbole and back-cover-copy aside? It's 3 bucks. For 8 stories. That will completely blow your mind. Scroll back up and click "Buy." You won't be sorry. Disturbed, surprised, impressed? Yes. Sorry? No.So that's the Amazon version. Was trying to keep it short for the benefit of bleary-eyed Amazonians just looking for a quick fix to get them through the cold, white months. Hopefully they found it helpful. Here's the longer, blow-by-blow version. There are synopses for these over on the page where you buy the thing, so let me tell you how each one hits you and where, and why each of them work on different levels. Dog-Man and Cat-Bird (A Flying Cat Story) is that long hill before the initial big drop I mentioned. This one doesn't just tug on your heartstrings, it gives them a hearty pull and then throws you over its shoulder into its dark but uplifting world. It's a ride, start to finish, a microcosm of the entire work. Even if it weren't part of an anthology, it'd be a stand-out bit of modern supernatural fantasy/horror. The protagonist is instantly relatable and earnest, the characters are realistically drawn to a one and it never feels contrived on any level. It justifies the entire project in and of itself. It's no wonder Cat-Bird is on the thing's cover. A Radioactive Monkey follows the long drop with a short twist. A good little cautionary tale that still plays with our expectations. Clearly, whatever the reality taking unknown drinks from strange women is a bad idea. Product Placement takes us to a place that is instantly familiar and thoroughly alien. You may take a closer look at the contents of your nearest vending machine the next time you're craving a candy bar. This Guy is you. Maybe. It could be. That's the hook, the horror of it. The narrator's an everyday guy, at least he starts out that way. But every day for the everyday guy is and feels the same, and that can change you. It feels like a straight on the coaster before it drops again. Mister Muh's Pussy Show feels greasy, dirty, delicious and very much a guilty pleasure. Lethe and Mnemosyne. It uses every single fucking word precisely. Brilliant. The Auction brings us back to fairy tale land. With a child protagonist and something that's two parts Dahl and two parts Barker, we're in for another wild ride. It front-loads with promise and, like the rest of the tales, does not disappoint. Beware of Owner is another short that quickly yanks the rug out from under us. You can almost hear Chuck giggling as the full scope of the situation dawns upon us. Bastard. Do-Overs and Take-Backs rounds out the anthology with another cautionary tale and a fine example of dual plot tracks slowly but surely becoming entwined. It has the horror, the humor, the weirdness and the brilliance of all that came before, and still remains its own creature. (See that? See what I did there?) So, yeah, like I said. 3 bucks for 8 stories that'll blow your mind. Basically, we're robbing Chuck blind. He's poured years of his heart and soul into this and we walk away with it for a song. You'll be hard-pressed to find a better deal pretty much anywhere.
"I come from a long line of..." "Thieves?" "Canadians?" "... grizzlies!" - Danielle, Mike & Ben on Lyria's lineageThe supply routes used by the Iron Circle are known to Dar Gramath, but nobody has undertaken operations against the mercenaries due to fear of reprisal against their families. The foursome of outsiders, on the other hand, have no such concerns and plan an ambush. The chosen area has some standing stones by the side of the road, making for excellent cover. As Lyria and Andrasian adeptly get into position on top of the stones, Krillorien gives Melanie a boost, only to have her slip and fall on top of him.
"I like this plan." "Try again." "wait, no, give me a second down here..." - Mike and Ben after Ben fails his roll and gets a face full of Melanie's good melonsAfter surviving his vision of marshmallow hell, Krillorien gets Melanie in position and gets into a hiding place himself.
Ben was a little confused on skill rolls, Danielle tried to explain: "Say you have to roll dungeoneering for something." "'You have to roll dungeoneering for something.'" "Say you have to do that." "'You have to do that.'"The caravan came into sight after a short wait. It was a single horse-drawn cart flanked by Iron Circle soldiers and lead by a hound-like construct. It did not catch the scent of the party, and they set upon the caravan before the dark adept sitting beside the cart's driver knew what was happening. The horse was freed from its restraints and bolted down the path a bit as the fighting ensued. Melanie needed a moment to gather her wits for spellcasting after taking a bad step off of the ledge she'd been hiding on.
"You must have popped a lung when you landed on your boobs." - BenIt wasn't long before Melanie's spells took their toll upon the Iron Circle.
"My bosoms emit a phantasmal energy!" - EricWith the guardians of the cargo dead, the party claimed it for themselves. They also took ownership of the horse, debating whether to cede it to Dar Gramath or keep it as well. "You can ride it back," Krillorien told Melanie, "as long as you don't ride side-saddle." "No problem!" Melanie favored the men with a smile as Lyria rolled her eyes. "I don't think you're talking about the same thing anymore." They returned to Albridge to discover that, thanks to their distraction, Dar Gramath had contacted Tor's Hold to begin organizing those willing to fight the Iron Circle. However, to ensure that all of the Harkenwold would rise up against the oppressors, they would need the allgiance of the Woodsinger elves living deep in the forest. Andrasian did not like this turn of events; it's possible he and his family do not get along for some reason. The Woodsingers are a cagey, xenophobic tribe, and were unwilling to join up with the others within the Harkenwold facing Iron Circle rule without proof that their sacrifice was warranted. To prove their good faith, the adventurers were charged with destroying an ancient evil within the forest. A travelling cleric from elsewhere in the Nentir Vale, who matched the description of Malareth, had been seen in the wood near ancient standing stones serving as the entry to a forgotten elven city. The only way in involved a vial of green dragon's blood and the name of the city. With this information, the party made their way to the standing stones. Goblin minions bearing the mark of Irontooth slept nearby in a broken-down cart as large spiders roamed the canopies of the trees. Sneaking through the underbrush, Andrasian poured the blood onto the plinth and spoke the name of the city, and the party found themselves whisked away by ancient, arcane means...
"She does critical damage to TIME and SPACE!" - Eric, on Melanie's initiative roll of 30.The goblin in charge was Snilvor, an emissary from Irontooth, and he did his utmost to hex the party into submission. As they tore into his minions, however, he ordered the drakes released. The beasts were far more dangerous than their goblin handlers, but were poorly trained and hungry, snapping at anything with meat on it that wandered too close. Lyria alighted onto one of the cages and stabbed one before it could grab hold of a teammate rather than a goblin. Snilvor's attempts to dominate members of the party failed, with Andrasian taking the brunt of the damage in the form of a skull-splitting headache. While the minions were easily dispatched, Snilvor turned out to be something of an annoyance, avoiding close range with the adventurers while flinging his spells. An area on the raised dias in the room caused damage to all who entered it, pushing Andrasian to his limits. However, there was only so much room for Snilvor to use in his attempts to escape, and Lyria's knives finally silenced the emissary.
"We live to suck another day!" - Mike, having nearly dropped to 0 HP during the fight.Beyond the doors from that room was the workshop proper, a converted reflection hall in which the undead mage Yisarn had laid out the bones of a dragon. A glimmerweb spider crouched in the corner, and skeletal minions turned towards the interlopers. Upon stepping into the room, however, a trap was triggered and Krillorien fell into a pit, barely avoiding getting impaled by the spikes waiting for him. As Lyria ran along the wall to reach the other side, Andrasian took a running leap while Melanie slipped into the pit after the cleric of Pelor.
"Crap, one of these deflated. I'm using Ghost Hand to hold it up!" - Eric, on the damage done to Melanie's 'girls'Despite their weakened state, the foursome put up a valiant fight against the undead. Krillorien's divine light tore through the defenses of Yisarn's minions, and Andrasian's axe did the rest. Yisarn himself proved a difficult foe, lightning leaping from his skeletal hand and ice blasting across the room in focused shards. The good news was that in the confusion, the spider was unable to ensnare anyone with its bright, blinding webs. Without the stealth upon which it usually relied, it was a marginalized threat. The party focused on Yisarn, taking down the undead mage before it could either kill them or awaken its dark experiment. After the unlife had left the bones wrapped in robes, they turned to the spider and chased it around the room in a scene reminiscent of their fight with Snilvor. While dangerous, it was still only a beast at the mercy of the four seasoned adventurers. After it was over, they gathered up what items of interest they could find. Krillorien found a half-burnt holy symbol of Pelor. It looked familiar, but he was unable to place where he'd seen it before. Perhaps Marla of Fallcrest would know. Meanwhile, Melanie found a sack of gold, Andrasian uncovered a small handful of gems, and Lyria plucked a ring from the finger of Yisarn. It was a platinum ring with an obsidian inlay of a lightning bolt, but neither Melanie the wizard nor Krillorien the eladrin were able to determine its purpose. Weighing it in her hand, Lyria estimated it was worth over three hundred gold.
"Wait! How does she know what it's worth but we don't know what it does?" "I'm a fence! ... I mean..." - Ben and Danielle on the failed Arcana rolls and Lyria's ability to appraiseThe party took time to rest. They needed to return to the Woodsingers to report on their success, and pray that they would not be too late to save the Harkenwold from the Iron Circle...
"I come from a long line of..." "Thieves?" "Canadians?" "... grizzlies!" - Danielle, Mike & Ben on Lyria's lineageThe supply routes used by the Iron Circle are known to Dar Gramath, but nobody has undertaken operations against the mercenaries due to fear of reprisal against their families. The foursome of outsiders, on the other hand, have no such concerns and plan an ambush. The chosen area has some standing stones by the side of the road, making for excellent cover. As Lyria and Andrasian adeptly get into position on top of the stones, Krillorien gives Melanie a boost, only to have her slip and fall on top of him.
"I like this plan." "Try again." "wait, no, give me a second down here..." - Mike and Ben after Ben fails his roll and gets a face full of Melanie's good melonsAfter surviving his vision of marshmallow hell, Krillorien gets Melanie in position and gets into a hiding place himself.
Ben was a little confused on skill rolls, Danielle tried to explain: "Say you have to roll dungeoneering for something." "'You have to roll dungeoneering for something.'" "Say you have to do that." "'You have to do that.'"The caravan came into sight after a short wait. It was a single horse-drawn cart flanked by Iron Circle soldiers and lead by a hound-like construct. It did not catch the scent of the party, and they set upon the caravan before the dark adept sitting beside the cart's driver knew what was happening. The horse was freed from its restraints and bolted down the path a bit as the fighting ensued. Melanie needed a moment to gather her wits for spellcasting after taking a bad step off of the ledge she'd been hiding on.
"You must have popped a lung when you landed on your boobs." - BenIt wasn't long before Melanie's spells took their toll upon the Iron Circle.
"My bosoms emit a phantasmal energy!" - EricWith the guardians of the cargo dead, the party claimed it for themselves. They also took ownership of the horse, debating whether to cede it to Dar Gramath or keep it as well. "You can ride it back," Krillorien told Melanie, "as long as you don't ride side-saddle." "No problem!" Melanie favored the men with a smile as Lyria rolled her eyes. "I don't think you're talking about the same thing anymore." They returned to Albridge to discover that, thanks to their distraction, Dar Gramath had contacted Tor's Hold to begin organizing those willing to fight the Iron Circle. However, to ensure that all of the Harkenwold would rise up against the oppressors, they would need the allgiance of the Woodsinger elves living deep in the forest. Andrasian did not like this turn of events; it's possible he and his family do not get along for some reason. The Woodsingers are a cagey, xenophobic tribe, and were unwilling to join up with the others within the Harkenwold facing Iron Circle rule without proof that their sacrifice was warranted. To prove their good faith, the adventurers were charged with destroying an ancient evil within the forest. A travelling cleric from elsewhere in the Nentir Vale, who matched the description of Malareth, had been seen in the wood near ancient standing stones serving as the entry to a forgotten elven city. The only way in involved a vial of green dragon's blood and the name of the city. With this information, the party made their way to the standing stones. Goblin minions bearing the mark of Irontooth slept nearby in a broken-down cart as large spiders roamed the canopies of the trees. Sneaking through the underbrush, Andrasian poured the blood onto the plinth and spoke the name of the city, and the party found themselves whisked away by ancient, arcane means...