I'm still a little sore and feeling somewhat post-op after yesterday's wisdom tooth extraction, but two side effects have emerged. One is the occasional nosebleed, but I haven't had one since yesterday (or last night, I think) and the other is these fucking hiccups. Seriously, hiccups annoy me. It makes it difficult for me to maintain the line of a conversation and sometimes even a train of thought because of these irregular and somewhat random spasms down in my diaphragm. I've tried holding my breath and drinking water, as well as
this cure and so far have only had mixed results. On to a spoonful of sugar, I guess. Anyway, my computers seem to be faring better. A little Systems Restore magic on the main desktop got him working again, and I'm currently working around the various little bugs that emerged from upgrading the Ubuntu version on my laptop. I love Ubuntu, by the way. It's a great introduction to Linux. The OS is flexible, the community's friendly & responsive, stuff looks pretty damn good on it and if I can get Wine working again, I might even be able to run games on it. Like, modern ones. I doubt it has the graphical oomph for, say,
Aion, but it might be worth a try. With these problems fixed and updates underway, I figured I could finally get around to recording this week's ICFN, even if it means using the sub-standard microphone on the webcam. But guess what happened as soon as I settled in to do that. The fucking hiccups came back. So, tomorrow, maybe. For now I'm going to stop stressing and do something relaxing, like write, or shoot Collectors in the face with a shotgun. Maybe download
Perfect Dark on the XBLA. I hear it's "a stupid good time."
Blue Ink Alchemy
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