Today's one of those days where I just have to admit: "Yeah, I got nothin'." I know there are some out there who believe that there's no point in putting up a blog post if it's not going to be about anything significant. I try to post every day, but I don't operate under the impression that everything I say is going to carry deep meaning. Not every brick that drops out of the sphincter of my mind is going to be a golden one. Mostly I do it to maintain some sort of readership/following. So if you're still here, thanks for putting up with me. I know I can be a pain. The only thing of true significance concerning this rather dreary Monday is the fact that I'm going to be increasing my daily word goal in the Project to 1250. If I can get at least that many in per day, with that amount being 1% of my total projected word count, I can reasonably predict when I might finish, set a deadline and adjust my pace accordingly. Thankfully, I don't think this general miasma under which I'm operating today will extend to how things will be this evening. I'll change into comfortable clothes, pour myself a drink and try to get a bit further in the current scene. I want to make sure things gel properly. Open forum time, folks. Those of you who are bloggers - what do you do when you feel you've nothing to blog about? Do you mine your site stats for search terms? Do you put down a stream of consciousness exercise? Do you just not bother? Your thoughts, give them to me.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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