This time next week, I will be in Mystic, Connecticut for a family reunion. That means I might not have a lot of time for blogging, if I have any at all. So, I'm running up the white flag and asking for a bit of aid in keeping the daily delivery of blog-flavored goodness. Got something you want to say about storytelling in general? Did the story of a particular film or game piss you off, earning a place in your personal "How not to tell a tale" pantheon? Hell, did something
I do piss you off? What makes good speculative fiction? Why do you love/hate/feel indifferent towards/want to hump IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! every week when it shows up? Toss ideas at me in the comments, if you have any. I'm looking for three gems for next weekend. I've got Friday covered, of course. Back to work for me. Head going under water. Glub, glub, glub.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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