Courtesy Terribleminds You have an idea. Something's been on your mind that you've been wanting to express. It's chased its tail around in your brainpan. It's yapping and frothing at the mouth. You know what you need to do, but it's just so
cute sometimes to see the idea act this way, especially since you've been with it from the beginning. You need to pull the trigger, friend. It could be a darling you know is in need of murder. It could be the starting gun for that new project you've had percolating for years. Maybe it's not even related to writing directly, but getting something off of your chest and out of your mind can help clear the decks for getting that project underway or improving. You believe in your work. Well, you should, at least. It's yours, after all, and yours alone. The thing about believing in one's own creative work, however, and seeking a way to get it out where others can see and enjoy it is that sooner or later, you're going to have to fight for it. You may have to struggle with your own self-esteem, or push through the frustrations of revisions & rejections, or scream to be heard over the thousand other chirping wanna-bes who are trying to get that same bit of cake you're straining to reach. In all of the above cases, the only way to do it
is to do it. Strap on that steel-toed cleat. Heft that hardwood bat.
Pull the trigger.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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