Selah — Blue Ink Alchemy
It's Hebrew for "pause and consider." In case you haven't noticed, some of my recent posts here have been concerned with things other than fancies about dragons, review of movies or ruminations on the written word. I'm entering a period of my life that feels transitionary, and rather than simply get shoved around by circumstances, I've been trying to find ways to forge my own path through the storm, to wrest some sort of order out of the chaos, even if it's a matter of "too little too late." I haven't been all that effective as yet, so it's time to pause and consider. I'm pausing to consider just who the hell I think I am.Writer
I've been published two and two-half times. Yes, I know, that makes three, but what'd you expect? I'm an English major, not a mathlete. My first real short story, the first one that had teeth and weight and actually meant something on its own without relying on being fanfiction or entirely derivative, found a place in a horror anthology. One of the pitches I sent towards the Escapist landed in the editor's mitt and bam, I got paid for being a nerd. Huzzah! I've contributed as a writer to others' projects twice so far, and while my part in Maschien Zeit was far less than half since my only contribution to the game's actual design was in playtesting, the amount to which I put myself into the other collaboration makes up for it. So, on average, so far I've gotten published once a decade. Considering some poor slobs never get published at all, that's not too shabby.Blogger
Criticisms are editorials. By looking at works like movies, books and games from the stance of a critic rather than a rank-and-file audience member, I see what changed since the last attempt at that style of story, what could change to make it better, And if I were to go into said story with those changes in mind? I'd be editing. I don't have formal, on-the-job, business-and-resume-friendly training for it. I'm not going to get huge piles of cash shoveled in my direction for it. But it's a skill I feel I need to cultivate. The better I get at editing, the higher the probability that whatever I end up submitting to a magazine, anthology, agent or Kindle store won't be an absolute pile of dogshit. It's also closer to writing than programming is.Programmer
Nobody's perfect. I'm not going to pretend that there's anything positive about my lethargy. I'm a sponge for media. I consume books, drink films, inhale the fumes of gaming and exhale a thousand tiny ideas that evaporate before my eyes. I accomplish nothing of value while I do this. Except for learning about what's out there already. Who's already playing in my sandbox? Do I find merit in what's been done? Do I think I can do better? How would I approach X or portray Y? It doesn't even happen, necessarily, as I'm soaking in whatever it is that's drowning out the doldrums of the day. It can strike me later, in bed or in transit or over a bowl of Shreddies. That experience was awesome. That line sounded forced. That plot point made no sense. Those characters shouldn't have behaved in that manner based on what we know. That reveal corrects that previous mistake or answers a hanging question, but what about that other thing, and what happens now? A body at rest remains at rest but the mind might not necessarily be resting.Ergo Sum
Blue Ink Alchemy
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