Haters, etc. I haven't been playing a great deal of Magic lately, due to various reasons, but I recently returned to Friday Night Magic armed with a new deck. As much as
my previous FNM decks seemed interesting to me, neither of them had a great deal of oomph. It was difficult for them to be consistent. And then, at the Dark Ascension release, I acquired a playset of not only the [mtg_card]Stromkirk Captain[/mtg_card], but also the lovely [mtg_card]Markov Blademaster[/mtg_card]. Not only is it decent art and a double-striking, self-pumping vampire for 3 mana, there is a way to get her on the field on turn 1. I'm not usually one for odd or janky combos, but I had to try this one out. And it worked, some of the time. You see, I felt the biggest problem with Memento Mori was a lack of consistency. It also was limited in terms of how it could deal with certain threats. And my vampires faced the same problem. Individual threats I could deal with using [mtg_card]Tragic Slip[/mtg_card] or [mtg_card]Go For The Throat[/mtg_card], but quickly-appearing groups of tokens proved problematic. I knew I needed more consistent performance rather than flashy shenanigans, which meant turn 1 actions other than waiting for something to Slip or wondering where my combo was. I also needed more reliable vampires. I needed [mtg_card]Stromkirk Nobles[/mtg_card]. Fortunately I made out well at the last FNM. Not in terms of playing, my nascent vampire deck went 1 and 3 in the brackets. I did, however, swing a pretty good trade. I parted with my pair of [mtg_card]Snapcaster Mage[/mtg_card]s for an entire playset of the swaggering nobles, a foil [mtg_card]Bloodlord of Vaasgoth[/mtg_card], the [mtg_card]Falkenrath Aristocrat[/mtg_card] that partially inspired this flash fiction piece... ...and my very first [mtg_card]Sorin, Lord of Innistrad[/mtg_card]. I know three colors is very difficult to curve properly, and I may be setting myself up for failure. But the notion of adding white to the red/black vampire deck means I can include something else I need: an answer to token swarms in the form of [mtg_card]Day of Judgment[/mtg_card]. I need two or so, another Sorin and some of the lands required to pull this all off. Once I get them, the deck should look something like this: [mtg_deck title="House of Markov"] Creatures 4 Markov Blademaster 4 Stromkirk Captain 4 Stromkirk Noble 1 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth 1 Olivia Voldaren Spells 4 Faithless Looting 4 Tragic Slip 3 Go for the Throat 1 Curse of the Stalked Prey 2 Day of Judgment 1 Fireball 1 Diabolic Tutor 2 Trepanation Blade 2 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Land 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 Clifftop Retreat 10 Mountain 6 Swamp 2 Isolated Chapel Sideboard 3 Doom Blade 3 Bump in the Night 2 Fires of Undeath 3 Ancient Grudge 1 Grafdigger's Cage 1 Curse of Misfortunes 1 Curse of Bloodletting 1 Falkenrath Aristocrat [/mtg_deck] We'll see how it does, if I can acquire the necessary cards, at my next FNM.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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