I wish I was taking a train this morning. PAX East 2013 is officially in the can, and I would honestly love to stay in Boston another day to see a bit more of the city and spend more time with the friends I've made among the glorious and delightful Enforcer corps. Circumstances demand I leave this morning, however, so I will drive down into the teeth of what is apparently Jack Frost playing some kind of cruel joke on Pennsylvania. I look forward to sleeping in my own bed, getting back on track with writing and exercise, and forging ahead towards the next paycheck. It will behoove me to begin saving now for my next PAX, which may require a slight adjustment of the budget and re-arranging of priorities. There were bad moments, certainly, from constant soreness to getting overcharged in a couple places, but I feel I accomplished a great deal when all was said and done last night. So. Flash Fiction tomorrow, then back to our regularly scheduled posts.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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