Normally, on Fridays, I talk about how my writing's going. I whine about how busy I get. I try to be funny. I really don't have any of that in me today. I gave thought to some sort of ultra-positive, quasi-patriotic post about how terror will never conquer this country. I do believe that we are stronger than terror. That there are too many helpers, too many good people, too many folks with kind hearts and indomitable wills to succumb to fear and paranoia. We may be a somewhat arrogant, occasionally backwards, largely do-nothing (CONGRESS!), and marginally out-of-shape lot in America, but for the most part, our hearts are in the right place. I just don't know if that's more signal or more noise, at this point. So I'll say this. I fell in love a little bit with Boston the last time I was there. I miss the friends I made there, and I worry about their safety. All I can offer from here is my attention, my good vibrations, and my prayers. I'll give blood in a couple weeks to help shore up the supply that's certain to be depleted. This has been a terrible week. Hopefully, however, the worst of it is rapidly disappearing from our rear-views. All that really matters, in the end, is the road ahead.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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