The dayjob has, in a word, gone crazy. Tasks have flown at me in a crazy way and it's been all I can do to keep my head above water there. Add to that the looming arrival of PAX East and the nagging sensation that I'm just not writing enough, and you have a tasty recipe for stress. As I've worked to get things back into some semblance of a proper order and pace, some items have unfortunately fallen to the wayside. Like blogging. I hate it when that happens, as it's my primary day-to-day outlet and a means to get more people's attention. I'm hoping to change that, though, in the very near future. So while I ruminate upon that, we're adjusting this week. No Tabletalk, but Flash Fiction tomorrow and a review of Noah on Thursday. The Friday 500 will be back, probably talking about pets or something.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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