I'll spare you wonderful, patient people the sordid details of what's going on with me and how I'm feeling, at least when it comes to this blog. I may do one of my more in-depth, personal pieces over on Tumblr later today. We'll see. The salient information, here, is that there is no cure for bipolar disorder. You don't just 'get over it'. It can be resisted, and its triggers recognized before they inform full-blown episodes. But it's a part of the victim's life, and its influence can creep into the scene without much warning. Case in point: my sleep schedule has been extremely odd lately, and energy has been sporadic. I'm pretty sure I know why, and I'll be taking steps to correct it, but right now it's a matter of getting through the day and meeting my deadlines to the best of my ability.
I have dealt with this before, and this will not be the last time, either. My current hope is that I can make it through the next couple days, reestablish decent sleeping habits, recover some of my energy, and avoid making things worse. I'm also reminding myself that I have a lot of things to be thankful for: I'm in a position where I can plan for a better future, I have a very strong support network, and I have wonderful, patient readers who are more interested in my successes than my failures. Thank you for bearing with me.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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