500 Words On People — Blue Ink Alchemy
A good soundtrack for this column: [tube]-u05Yc5zurI[/tube] It's been a while since I've reviewed anything. Or stuck to a one-post-per-weekday schedule. I give myself mental and emotional hell for that, on occasion, but you know what? It isn't the end of the world. It's okay. I'm okay. My name is Josh Loomis, and I'm a person. Provided you're not one of Google's non-self-aware bots, you're a person, too. It's a simple fundamental fact, the establishment of personhood on behalf of the other. Yet it's so easy to forget, to villainize, to de-personize. "Your opinion is horrible from my point of view, therefore YOU ARE HORRIBLE TOO" tends to be the norm in a lot of discussion and debates, especially online. A person may have horrid opinions, or behave in a horrible way for one reason or another, but does that make them inherently horrible? When someone says something of a dubious nature, or that can be taken as offensive by another, it's insidiously easy to jump to conclusions, choose sides, take up arms. I've been guilty of that. But in my age, I've taken more time to breathe, think, and consider both sides. Or try to, at least. I'm a person, after all. I err more often than not, by my very nature. I've written about things like GamerGate in the past, and have found myself coming down on the side of those who have felt intimidated out of professions they love because of external pressures from such sources. However, that's been unfair of me. There are people within GG who are legitimately trying to make gaming a better community. There are people within games journalism attempting to base their work on facts and research instead of corporate sponsorship. And there are less upstanding people on both sides as well. But it's people, all the way down the line. And I think we should try harder to be kind to people. I'm certainly not saying censorship or thought policing is the answer, because freedom of speech and of choice are essential to a free-thinking society. But, to quote another AJJ song, "for God's sake, you've gotta be kind." Pointing out problems in a behavior, turn of phrase, or course of action can and should be divided from a judgement call on the person you're addressing. Because you're addressing a person just like you. From discussions on the essence of GamerGate to debates on who and what Superman should be, try to remember to be kind. As of this writing, we only have the one planet on which to live, and we all have to share it. What is the point in bickering for superior intellectual positioning? Don't we have enough problems? We should be working to be one people, not being rude and dismissive of one another. I'm not a violent person, but I will fight, and keep fighting until all are one. I don't think it's too late. I believe we can turn it around. I have faith. Don't you?Blue Ink Alchemy
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