Returning to Flash Fiction — Blue Ink Alchemy
To say that things have been in upheaval lately would be an understatement. Things like "returning to a regular blogging schedule" and "maintaining a solid fanbase" have been something of a lower priority as I've sorted out housing, managed my barista schedule, and generally gotten more settled into this next phase of my life. How I got here isn't a happy tale, nor is it a finished one - but who among us can say that our story is actually finished? Anyway. It's been one of the longest traditions of this blog to respond to the Flash Fiction Challenge over at Chuck Wendig's Terribleminds. It shows up on most Fridays, provided Chuck isn't gallivanting around the country or writing award-winning novels. Even then, he tends to be pretty good at planning his posts ahead. Better than some of us, for sure. So a good place for me to begin in trying to do likewise, and return Blue Ink Alchemy to a regular schedule, seems to be writing up some Flash Fiction. I turned my browser to Terribleminds, and instead of a full-length post, 500-100 words, this week the challenge is to write a tweet. Hence this verbose forward to what follows! At 131 characters, here's how I contributed to the Tales from Black Friday.The number of dead, trampled, and broken don't matter. The sale purchases do. And at 666, THEY will arrive. #talesfromblackfridayYou can see the actual Tweet here.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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