This week has been incredibly frustrating for me. A number of deeply honest and emotional posts all over social media combined with all sorts of self-care oriented shenanigans and missteps that lead me into a downturn. I'm still navigating the dark and bullshit-smelling waters of bipolar depression, and as a result, I don't have a great deal to put here regarding the nature of frustration how it applies to my life. Short version? It sucks. So I don't have a great deal to put here, but hey! It's the first of the month! Click the image above to see me read a poem I wrote around Christmas of last year. It has nothing to do with Christmas. It has everything to do with something else associated with that date. And
click here to watch this week's vlog. I've also got a playlist of every vlog! You can find it here. While you're there, subscribe to the channel! Support my Patreon!
Send me presents, dammit! Anyway. Have a nice weekend.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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