It's a statement I've said many, many times, especially in the last year or so. I said it several times when I wrote
this post back in January. Even in these last few months, I've changed, I've moved forward — even away from that very post! — and come more to terms with who I used to be and how I'm
not the same. Those around me can see the change, and they've celebrated, even as the change has continued on a daily basis.
I want to believe other people can change, too. People who love me, who have been there for me, and seen these changes, have said that not everybody can do what I've done. That there's something special or singular about how I've seized myself, pulled myself apart, and discerned what about me was toxic and needed to be discarded — and, to be clear,
there were indeed ugly parts of me that spread toxicity and had to be destroyed — and while I deeply appreciate that, the way I've moved forward has come down to belief in myself. And I believe, if I may talk circularly for a moment, that anyone can believe in themselves, and foster their better natures. It has been hard for me, there's no mistaking that. For years, I relied more on the opinions and support of others, even going so far as to turn down my own feelings to make room for those of others. Among other learned behaviors, I've had to face that one down, and shake it off to the best of my ability. This one in particular is weird and sort of sticky, and it still comes up now and again. But I'm still doing the work to get myself free of it, once and for all. As hard as it's been for me to find the ways and means within myself to believe in myself, I know that part of it, at least, has come from others believing in me, even when it hasn't been convenient, or when others might have told them that I'm not worth it. And what was said was not entirely without cause. I've shed so many useless and toxic and ugly parts of who I used to be. Even now, I look out for them and put them down whenever I can. Because the world deserves better than that. And, given the chance, I show who I have become, in contrast to who I was and the thing I was reported to be. I grab hold of my light and push it upwards as a beacon, throwing back darkness that I might myself have perpetuated at one point. I stare into that darkness, seek to banish it, to drive it away from myself and those I love. I ask that toxic ghost, straight up,
who the hell it thinks I am. In the midst of the darkness I once threw over myself, some people still held on to the belief that I was worth it, and their belief in me. It protected and kindled that spark of light within me; it fostered in me this belief I now have in myself. It's helped me get and be and do better. I might have arrived here completely on my own, and there's a lot of work I had to do for and by myself, but knowing that someone, somewhere, believed in me, even in spite of my failures and ugliest moments — that made things easier, made my goals clearer, motivated me to work twice as hard. That's what I'd want people to do for me, even — or especially — when I'm at my worst. And that's what I want to do for the people I care about, even — especially — when they're at their worst. Maybe it's a waste of my time. Maybe it won't be worth it in the long run. But it's something about me that hasn't changed. And I don't know if it will. Or if it should. People out in the world chose to believe in me, because they wanted to believe I could be better. And they were right. I want to believe in others. In the world. In you. And I really, really, want to be right. So here I stand. Holding up this light. Hoping. Believing. Because I want to believe. I challenge you to believe, too. And if you can't believe in yourself, believe in me. Believe in the me that believes in you.
Blue Ink Alchemy
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