Friday, April 7, 2017

500 Words on Journey to Un'Goro

500 Words on Journey to Un'Goro — Blue Ink Alchemy

Courtesy Blizzard Entertainment
Part of having more bandwidth for games now that I have gainful dayjob employment has included a return to playing Hearthstone on a regular basis. The latest expansion, Journey to Un'Goro, drops this week, and I'm quite excited to see what it will bring. It's already had a bunch of coverage, some absolutely fantastic promotional materials produced, and a bevy of cute art accompanies the cards. As someone who both loves to build decks, and has an eye on competition, I already have some first impressions of what this set brings, and what it will mean to the game as a whole.


The Discover mechanic introduced in the League of Explorers adventure is one of the best things to happen to Hearthstone. Adaptation is an extension this mechanic. Allowing you to adapt to an opponent's strategy lends a great deal of flexibility to your deck, much as Discovery has until this point. Hearthstone's designers like to key into the notion of 'delightful surprise', and Adaptation is a great example of this.


A new grouping of minions — known as a "tribe" in the parlance of this sort of game — is the Elementals. Like Dragons and Murlocs, Elementals synergize with one another in interesting ways. Shamans already had a couple of Elementals, but now there are so many that we may actually see Elemental decks that ramp up for huge finishes with big minions.


Questing is essential to MMOs like World of Warcraft, but outside of the player's quests that reward gold or packs, this mechanic hasn't been seen in Hearthstone until now. Each class now has a Legendary spell that lays out some criteria. Complete the task, and you'll be rewarded with a powerful minion, a portal to another realm, or a spell that gives you an extra turn. As impressive and bold as these spells are, it remains to be seen what impact they will have on...

The Changing Meta

For a long few months, a scant few deck types have defined the meta of Standard play. It's been difficult to try new decks or find new ways around very powerful, solid decks. With the new expansion and the change of available cards in Standard, it's my hope, and that of other players, that the meta is finally getting shook up. But Standard is not the only mode...

More Wild!

I used to regard Wild as more of a 'sandbox' mode, focusing mostly on the Standard meta. However, with so many things being relegating to Wild, from staples of the last rotation like Reno Jackson to long-standing all-stars like Sylvanas Windrunner, I will need to play more Wild for sure in the Year of the Mammoth. I will be cracking open my many packs of Journey to Un'Goro this Saturday, and I invite you to come with me on the quest for exciting new decks! You can find my Twitch channel here, and follow my Twitter for updates, thoughts, and shenanigans. I'm definitely looking forward to this! On Fridays I write 500 words.
Blue Ink Alchemy

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